Saturday, July 15, 2017

My Texlaxed Hair Chronicles

Hey hey

How have we been? How are our ends and edges holding up? Lol. Well, just as I promised you previously here is the post, though, I took quite some time. Sorry I've been MIA.

Texlaxing my hair was never my intention instead it just kept happening over and over. I have always had coarse hair and getting my hair bone straight after each retouch was somehow a challenge. I think it was everyone's ( I and my sisters') challenge. We kept searching and switching relaxers, and whenever we found one that worked, the next retouch using the same relaxer would turn out to be a nightmare of dry underprocessed hair.

But honestly speaking, I later realised that I loved my hair with some texture in it. I noticed that if the hair turned out bone-straight after retouching, I would be horrified because my hair will lay flat on my head. I would get scared wondering where all that thick hair had gone, but after a week or more, the hair puffs up and ahah, I'll feel alive.

I decided to accept my hair's stubbornness and wanted to find a better way to care for it, as it kept breaking not allowing me to retain much. While researching I stumbled on the term "texlax". So I realised I had been doing something right or at least that my hair had chosen its own rightful path, lol.

I began learning more about texlaxing, and just thought this was what I wanted. But the funny thing was that, the more I cared for the hair, the more the hair behaved itself. It began to grow longer and thicker, it was also able to withstand manipulation. Since I began to enjoy my hair, the more I did not see the need to texlax and would continue to stretch my relaxer. Thus, causing me to texlax once in a year, though, not without a few setbacks.

What are your thoughts concerning  "texlaxing"? Do you think you could try it out? Or do you also texlax your hair?

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