Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Art of Detangling Part I

Hey hey


   Detangling is one of those things that is necessary when it comes to hair grooming. Most times, we are eager to have smooth and neat hair that we ignore whatever damage we might be doing during the process of detangling.
   Personally, I experienced the effect of poor detangling skill. Yes, it is a skill one has to learn in order to keep one's hair on her head. I used to complain about stunned hair growth. Well, it was not like it was not growing, but my method of detangling was causing more damage that I even imagined.

   Everytime I removed my weaves, I will proceed to washing my hair without detangling first. Wrong move. Once I was done, and the hair had dried, I will use a comb to rip through the tresses. Wrongest move as the hair strands were breaking seriously. I never bothered because when I looked at my hair, I will notice that it had grown an inch longer or so.

   But little did I know what was coming. I began to notice that my hair was really thick from the roots up to about half of the hair length, and then starting from that mid-section, the hair will taper down to thin, dead looking strands. Obviously, they were damaged beyond my belief. I did not expect it.

   Immediately I knew that it was due to my impatientness and lack of knowledge when it came to detangling properly. So I read up, and discovered that the first detangling tool to use was your fingers. It was a little difficult but I did get the hang of it. I began to finger detangle which made a lot if difference to my hair.
   Using your fingers will help you locate hidden knots which can be loosed before proceeding with a comb. This will prevent unnecessary breakage and damage to your tresses.

  Above is a picture of my finger detangled hair. I had not run a comb through it. Do tell me your experience(s) with detangling. Have you tried finger detangling before and did it make a difference to your hair?

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